My Own Worst Enemy

  You are probably familiar with the saying “you are your own worst enemy.” For many of us, this statement rings true, but for various reasons. We are guilty of self-sabotaging our love lives, family lives, friendships, or even our careers. Have you ever wondered why you do this or where these thoughts come from? … Continue reading My Own Worst Enemy

Ireland: The Cliffs of Moher

  Have you ever traveled solo or thought about traveling solo? Well, Ireland is one of the best places to go! Everyone is extremely friendly, welcoming, helpful, and it is an English-speaking country, so for an American female traveling solo, I couldn’t have asked for a better trip! This was an experience of a lifetime … Continue reading Ireland: The Cliffs of Moher

My Break From Dating

After a little over 2 months straight of internet dating, I need a break! People are either completely misrepresenting themselves online or they are only looking for hookups. An average of 3 dates a week for 2 months takes its toll on you. So, on my break I decided to do some things for myself. … Continue reading My Break From Dating

The Confidence Factor

Why am I always seeking other’s opinions to validate my self-worth? Why do I allow break-ups to damage my self-confidence? Why do I always assume there is something wrong with me that the other person doesn’t want to be with? These are questions that I have asked myself time and time again, and have now learned to ignore and put to the back of my mind.

The Male Perspective

Have you ever wondered what happened with someone you were dating? Did it seem like the relationship was going well and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the guy ended things? Have you thought about how you should or shouldn't act on a first date and what your realistic expectations should be? These … Continue reading The Male Perspective